Facebook Considering New Snooze Button to Silence Noisy News Feed Offenders

Facebook is preparing to launch its best feature since it allowed unfollowing without deletion. You can now Snooze your friends, family, and other Liked pages for 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

Hit the Snooze Button

The new feature is likely aimed toward helping busy business and organization pages keep hold of their Like tally. I cannot be the only one that has unfollowed, or even deleted a friend or page due to incessant posting, creating a dreadful amount of noise on your News Feed.

Facebook specifically benefits from you keeping your network dense, full of useful links. This works for both advertising (primarily) and for keeping you in touch with friends during their big life moments (it can be utterly terrible for things like this at times).
The addition of the Snooze button adds another easy option for News Feed management, too. Facebook have settled on a clear direction here. Remember the now depreciated “See Less” button?
The idea was that you selected the See Less option on a noisy friends’ profile, and you’d encounter their posts less than other people. However, “less” doesn’t mean “never,” and that you would still encounter those friends posts with some frequency was confusing — and more than a little irritating.
The issue was exacerbated for those users with smaller numbers of friends, or if the individual was a frequent poster.

Quiet Things Down with Snooze

To Snooze someone, tap the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of someone’s post. The standard unfollow option has been upgraded to “Unfollow or Snooze” and, if you tap that, you’ll see the options for how long you’d like to hide the troublesome family member for.
Snooze has made its way to some accounts throughout the U.S., but not every account has received the feature yet.
Would you use a Snooze feature? Or do you just delete noisy people from your Facebook account? Do you have any account management tips? Let us know below!


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